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Storygenie Security Statement

Welcome to Storygenie, your new ally in converting project ideas into structured agile components. Security is at the very heart of our app. See below for how we keep you secure on your Storygenie journey.

Generation Panel

This is where you provide the inputs and set the parameters for the AI. 

Security Statement

At Storygenie Pty Ltd we prioritise your security alongside delivering our innovative solutions. Our focus on secure coding practices, data privacy, and robust application integrations ensure a safe and secure environment for all users.

Secure Coding Practices

Our development team adheres to best-in-class secure coding practices to protect against potential vulnerabilities. This includes secure management of authentication tokens, necessary for integrating with various APIs. These tokens are securely stored using industry-standard encrypted storage mechanisms, preventing unauthorized access.

No Permanent Data Storage

Storygenie operates with a zero data persistence policy. All user data used for generating Epics and User Stories, or improving the application’s functionality, is held in memory only for the duration of the session and discarded afterward. We do not store user data on any servers, mitigating long-term data storage risks.

Secure API Integrations

Storygenie uses various APIs for its core functionality, including AI services for generating Epics and User Stories. The data exchanged during these API interactions is transient, and not stored by the AI service post-completion of the generation tasks.


Our authentication token for these AI services is securely encrypted and stored as environment variables during deployment. The system uses these variables to interact securely with the respective APIs, ensuring robust protection of user data during transfer.

Jira Integration

We integrate securely with Jira through Atlassian’s Forge UI, employing the Forge UI’s secure bridge for Jira APIs. All data remains within the Jira environment, providing an additional layer of security.

Privacy Compliance

We adhere strictly to international privacy laws and regulations. Our processes align fully with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Australia), promising maximum user data protection.

Continuous Security Review

Our commitment to security means we consistently review and enhance our security measures to combat emerging threats effectively. We strive to ensure Storygenie remains a secure solution for all users.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns about our security policy or practices, please contact us. We value transparency and are always ready to respond to your queries.


Your security is our primary concern. We ensure that Storygenie remains a trusted tool for your project management needs, where your data is always secure.

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